Этот раздел сайта посвящен одной из фундаментальных экономических дисциплин - "Экономика промышленности" (Industrial organization) . Здесь Вы сможете найти различную информацию об этом предмете и его истории, найти полезные учебно-методические материалы, ссылки на интернет-ресурсы и многое другое.

Теория фирмы

1. Aghion P., Bolton P. Entry Prevention through Contracts with Customers // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1987. Vol. 77. P. 388-401.
2. Alchian A., Demsetz H. Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization // Ibid. 1972. Vol. 62. P. 777-795.
3. Anderson E., Schmittlein D. Integration of the Sales Force : An Empirical Investigation // Rand Journ. Econ. 1984. Vol. 15. P. 385-395.
4. Antle R., Smith. A. An Empirical Investigation of the Relative Performance Evaluation of Corporate Executives // Journ. Accounting Research. 1986. Vol. 24. P. 1-39.
5. Anton J., Yao D. Second Sourcing and the Experience Curve: Price Competition in Defense Procurement // Rand Journ, Econ. 1987. Vol. 18. P. 57-76.
6. Aron D. Ability, Moral Hazard, and Firm Diversification. Dep. of Economics. Univ. of Chicago, 1984. Pt. 1. (Mimeo).
7. Arrow K. Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1970.
8. Arrow K. The Limits of Organization. New York : Norton, 1974.
9. Arrow K. Vertical Integration and Communication // Bell Journ. Econ. 1975. Vol. 6. P. 173-183.
10. Arrow K. The Property Rights Doctrine and Demand Revelation under Incomplete Information. In Economics and Human Welfare. New York : Academic, 1979.
11. Arrow K. The Economics of Agency // Principals and Agents : The Structure of Business / Ed. by J. Pratt, R. Zeckhauser. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, 1985.
12. Arrow K., Levhari D., Sheshinski E. A Production Function for the Repairmen Problem // Rev. Econ. Stud. 1972. Vol. 39. P. 241-250.
13. Batman S., Demski J. Economically Optimal Performance Evaluation and Control Systems // Journ. Accounting Research. Suppl. 1980. Vol. 18. P. 184-234.
14. Bain J. Economies of Scale, Concentration and Entry // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1954. Vol. 44. P. 15-39.
15. Baron D. Design of Regulatory Mechanisms and Institutions // Handbook of Industrial Organization / Ed. by R. Schmalensee, R. Willig. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1988.
16. Baumol W. On the Theory of Expansion of the Firm // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1962. Vol. 52. P. 1078-1087.
17. Baumol W., Panzar J., Willig R. Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
18. Berhold M. A Theory of Linear Profit-Sharing Incentives // Quart. Journ. Econ. 1971. Vol. 85. P. 460-482.
19. Bhattacharya S. Tournaments, Termination Schemes and Forcing Contracts. 1983. (Mimeo).
20. Binmore K. Perfect Equilibria in Bargaining Models // Discussion Paper 82-58. ICERD. London School of Economics, 1982.
21. Borch K. The Economics of Uncertainty. Princeton Univ. Press, 1963.
22. Bull C. The Existence of Self-Enforcing Implicit Contracts. New York Univ., 1985. (Mimeo).
23. Caillaud B. Regulation, Competition, and Asymmetric Information // Journ. Econ. Theory. 1985.
24. Caillaud В., Guesnerie R., Rey P., Tirole J. Government Intervention in Production: A Review of Recent Contributions // Rand Journ. Econ. 1988. Vol. 19. P. 1-26.
25. Caluo G. Supervision and Utility and Wage Differentials across Firms. Columbia Univ., 1977. (Mimeo).
26. Calvo G., Wellisz S. Supervision, Loss of Control, and the Optimal Size of the Firm // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1978. Vol. 86. P. 943-952.
27. Calvo G., Wellisz S. Hierarchy, Ability, and Income Distribution // Ibid. 1979. Vol. 87. P. 991-1010.
28. Carmichael L. Firm-Specific Human Capital and Promotion Ladders // Bell Journ. Econ. 1983. Vol. 14. P. 251-258.
29. Chandler A. Strategy and Structure. New York : Doubleday (Anchor Book edition), 1966.
30. Coase R. The Nature of the Firm // Economica. N. S. 1937. Vol. 4. P. 386-405. Reprinted in Readings in Price Theory/ Ed. by G. Stigler, K. Boulding. Homewood, 111. : Irwin, 1952 (русский перевод: Коуз Р. Природа фирмы // Коуз Р. Фирма, рынок и право. М., 1993. - Прим. ред.).
31. Coase R. The Problem of Social Cost // Journ. Law a. Econ. 1960. Vol. 3. P. 1-44 (русский перевод: Коуз Р. Проблема социальных издержек // Коуз Р. Фирма, рынок и право. М., 1993. - Прим. ред.).
32. Cramton P., Gibbons R., Klemperer P. Dissolving a Partnership Efficiently // Econo-metrica. 1987. Vol. 55. P. 615-632.
33. Cremer J. Corporate Culture: Cognitive Aspects. Mirneo : Virginia Polytechnic Inst. a. State Univ., 1986.
34. Crazier M. The Bureaucratic Phenomenon. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1967.
35. Cyert R., March J. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, 1963.
36. Dalton M. Men Who Manage. New York : Wiley, 1959.
37. D'Aspremont C., Gerard-Varet L. A. Incentives and Incomplete Information // Journ. Public Econ. 1979. Vol. 11. P. 25-45.
38. Dayan D. Vertical Integration and Monopoly Regulation: Ph. D. diss. Princeton Univ., 1972.
39. Demsetz H. Why Regulate Utilities? // Journ. Law a. Econ. 1968. Vol. 11. P. 55-66.
40. Demski J., Sappington D., Spiller P. Managing Supplier Switching // Rand Journ, Econ. 1987. Vol. 18. P. 77-97.
41. Fama E. Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1980. Vol. 88. P. 288-307.
42. Farrell J. Allocating and Abrogating Rights: How Should Conflicts Be Resolved under Incomplete Information? GTE Labs. Waltham, Mass., 1985. (Mimeo).
43. Farrell J., Gallini N. Second-Sourcing as a Commitment: Monopoly Incentives to Attract Competition // Working Paper 8618. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1986.
44. Fershtman C., Judd K. Strategic Incentive Manipulation in Rivalrious Agency // Techn. Rep. 496. IMSSS. Stanford Univ., 1986.
45. Freixas X., Guesnerie R., Tlrole J. Planning Under Incomplete Information and the Ratchet Effect // Rev. Econ. Stud. 1985. Vol. 52. P. 173-191.
46. Geanakoplos J., Milgrom P. A Theory of Hierarchies Based on Limited Managerial Attention. 1984. (Mimeo).
47. Gibbons R. Optimal Incentive Schemes in the Presence of Career Concerns. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1985. (Mimeo).
48. Gibbons R. Piece-Rate Incentive Schemes // Journ. Labor Econ. 1987. Vol.5. P. 413-429.
49. Green J., Stokey N. A Comparison of Tournaments and Contests // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1983. Vol. 91. P. 349-364.
50. Grossman S., Hart O. Takeover Bids, the Free Rider Problem and the Theory of the Corporation // Bell Journ. Econ. 1980. Vol. 11. P. 42-64.
51. Grossman S., Hart O. An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem // Econometrica. 1983. Vol. 51. P. 7-45.
52. Grossman S., Hart O. Vertical Integration and the Distribution of Property Rights Univ. of Chicago, 1984. (Mimeo).
53. Grossman S., Hart O. The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Lateral and Vertical Integration // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1986. Vol. 94. P. 691-719.
54. Grout P. Investment and Wages in the Absence of Binding Contracts: A Nash Bargaining Approach // Econometrica. 1984. Vol. 52. P. 449-460.
55. Hall R., Lazear E. The Excess Sensitivity of Layoffs and Quits to Demand // Journ. Labor Econ. 1984. Vol. 2. P. 233-258.
56. Harris M., Holmstrom B. On the Duration of Agreements // Techn. Rep. 424. IMSSS. Stanford Univ., 1983.
57. Harris M., Raviv A. Some Results on Incentive Contracts with Applications to Education and Unemployment, Health Insurance, and Law Enforcement // Amer. Econ, Rev. 1978. Vol. 68. P. 20-30.
58. Hart O. The Market Mechanism as an Incentive Scheme // Bell Journ. Econ. 1983. Vol. 74. P. 366-382.
59. Hart O., Holmstrom B. The Theory of Contracts // Advances in Economic Theory. Fifth World Congress / Ed. by T. Bewley. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.
60. Hart O., Moore J. Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation. London School of Economics, 1985. (Mimeo).
61. Hermalin B. Adverse Selection and Contract Length. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1986. (Mimeo).
62. Hermalin B, Adverse Effects of the Threat of Takeovers. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1987. (Mimeo).
63. Holmstrom B. Moral Hazard and Observability // Bell Journ. Econ. 1979. Vol. 10. P. 74-91.
64. Holmstrom B. Managerial Incentive Problems: A Dynamic Perspective // Essays in Economics and Management in Honor of Lars Wahlbeck. Helsinki: Swedish School of Econ., 1982.
65. Holmstrom B. Moral Hazard in Teams // Bell Journ. Econ. 1982. Vol. 13. P. 324-340.
66. Holmstrom В., Milgrom P. Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision of Intertempo-ral Incentives // Econometrica. 1987. Vol. 55. P. 303-328.
67. Holmstrom В., Tirole J. The Theory of the Firm // Handbook of Industrial Organization / Ed. by R. Schmalensee, R. Willig. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1987.
68. Hopenhayn H. A Competitive Model of Entry and Exit to an Industry. Univ. of Minnesota. Dep. of Economics, 1986. (Mimeo).
69. Jensen M., Meckling W. Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure // Journ. Financial Econ. 1976. Vol. 3. P. 305-360.
70. Johnson S., Pratt J., Zeckhauser R. Efficiency Despite Mutually Payoff-Relevant Private Information. John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard Univ., 1986. (Mimeo).
71. Joskow P. Vertical Integration and Long Term Contracts: The Case of Coal-Burning Electric Generating Plants // Journ. Law, Econ, a. Organization. 1985. Vol. 1. P. 33-79.
72. Joskow P. Contract Duration and Relationship-Specific Investments: The Case of Coal // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1987. Vol. 77. P. 168-185.
73. Joskow P., Schmalensee R. Markets for Power. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1983.
74. Joskow P., Schmalensee R. Incentive Regulation for Electric Utilities // Yale Journ. Regulation. 1986. Vol. 4. P. 1-49.
75. Jovanovic B. Selection and the Evolution of Industry // Econometrica. 1982. Vol. 50. P. 649-670,
76. Katz M. Game-Playing Agents: Contracts as Precommitments. Princeton Univ., 1987. (Mimeo).
77. Keren M., Levhari D. The Internal Organization of the Firm and the Shape of Average Costs // Bell Journ. Econ. 1983. Vol. 14. P. 474-486.
78. Kihlstrom R., Laffont J.-J. A General Equilibrium Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm Based on Risk Aversion // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1979. Vol. 87. P. 719-748.
79. Klein В., Crawford R., Alchian A. Vertical Integration Appropriable Rents and the Competitive Contracting Process // Journ. Law a. Econ. 1978. Vol. 21. P. 297-326.
80. Kreps D. Corporate Culture and Economic Theory. Graduate School of Business. Stanford Univ., 1984. (Mimeo).
81. Laffont J.-J., Tirole J. Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1986. Vol. 94. P. 614-641.
82. Laffont J.-J., Tirole J. Repeated Auctions of Incentive Contracts. Investment and Bidding Parity, with an Application to Takeovers. Univ. of Toulouse, 1987. (Mimeo).
83. Laffont J. J., Tirole J. The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts // Econometrica. 1988. Vol. 56. P. 1153-1175.
84. Lazear E., Rosen S. Rank-Order Tournaments as Optimal Labor Contracts // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1981. Vol. 89. P. 841-864.
85. Leibenstein H. Allocative Efficiency vs. "X-Inefficiency" // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1966. Vol. 56. P. 392-415 (русский перевод: Лейбенстайн X. Аллокативная эффективность в сравнении с "А'-эффективностью" // Теория фирмы. СПб.: Экономическая школа, 1995. (Вехи экономической мысли; Вып. 2.) - Прим. ред.).
86. Lewellen W. Executive Compensation in Large Industrial Corporations. New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1968.
87. Lewellen W. The Ownership Income of Management. New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1971.
88. Lippman S., Rumelt R. Uncertain Instability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency Under Competition // Bell Journ. Econ. 1982. Vol. 13. P. 418-438.
89. Lucas R. Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1967. Vol. 75. P. 321-339.
90. Lucas R. On the Size Distribution of Business Firms // Bell Journ. Econ. 1978. Vol. 9. P. 508-523.
91. MaCaulay S. Non-Contractual Relations in Business // Amer. Sociol. Rev. 1963. Vol. 28. P. 55-70.
92. MacLeod В., Malcomson J. Implicit Contracts, Incentive Compatibility and Involuntary Unemployment. Queen's Univ., 1986. (Mimeo).
93. Malcomson J. Work Incentives, Hierarchy, and Internal Labor Markets // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1984. Vol. 92. P. 486-507.
94. Manne H. Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control // Ibid. 1965. Vol. 73. P. 110-120.
95. March J. The Business Firm as a Political Coalition // Journ. Polit. 1962. Vol. 24. P. 662-678.
96. Marris R. The Economic Theory of "Managerial" Capitalism. London : Macmillan, 1964.
97. Marshak J., Radner R. Economic Theory of Teams. New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1972.
98. Maskin E. Unpublished Notes on Public Goods with Correlated Values. Harvard Univ., 1985.
99. Masten S. The Organization of Production: Evidence From the Aerospace Industry // Journ. Law a. Econ. 1984. Vol. 27. P. 403-418.
100. Milgrom P. Good News and Bad News: Representation Theorems and Applications // Bell Journ. Econ. 1981. Vol. 12. P. 380-391.
101. Milgrom P.Quasi-Rents, Influence, and Organization Form. Yale Univ., 1986. (Mirneo).
102. Mirrlees J. Notes on Welfare Economics, Information and Uncertainty // Essays in Economic Behavior in Uncertainty / Ed. by M. Balch, D. McFadden, S. Wu. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1974.
103. Mirrlees J. The Theory of Moral Hazard and Unobservable Behavior. Nuffield College. Oxford, 1975. Pt. 1. (Mimeo).
104. Monteuerde K., Teece D. Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry // Bell Journ. Econ. 1982. Vol. 13. P. 206-213.
105. Mookherjee D. Optimal Incentive Schemes with Many Agents // Rev. Econ. Stud. 1984. Vol. 51. P. 433-446.
106. Myerson R., Satterthwaite M. Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral Trading // Journ. Econ. Theory. 1983. Vol. 28. P. 265-281.
107. Nalebuff В., Stiglitz J. Prices and Incentives: Towards a General Theory of Compensation and Competition // Bell Journ. Econ. 1983. Vol. 14. P. 21-43.
108. Nash J. The Bargaining Problem // Econometrica. 1950. Vol. 18. P. 155-162.
109. Nash J. Two-Person Cooperative Games // Ibid. 1953. Vol. 21. P. 128-140.
110. Nelson R., Winter S.An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press, 1982.
111. Parsons D. The Employment Relationship: Job Attachment, Work Effort, and the Nature of Contracts // Handbook of Labor Economics / Ed. by O. Ashenfelter, E. Lazear. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1984.
112. Pettigrew A. Information Control as a Power Resource // Sociology. 1972. Vol. 6. P. 187-204.
113. Piore M., Sabel C. The Second Industrial Divide. New York : Basic Books, 1984.
114. Posner R. The Appropriate Scope of Regulation in the Cable Television Industry // Bell Journ. Econ. 1972. Vol. 3. P. 98-129.
115. Pratt J., Zeckhauser R. Incentive-Based Decentralization: Expected Externality Payments Induce Efficient Behavior in Groups // K. Arrow and Economic Theory / Ed. by G. Feiwel. London : Macmillan, 1985.
116. Prescott E., Visscher M. Organization Capital // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1980. Vol. 88. P. 446-461.
117. Robinson E. The Structure of Competitive Industry. Rev. ed. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1958.
118. Rogerson W. The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems // Econometrica. 1985. Vol. 53. P. 1357-1368.
119. Rosen S. Authority, Control, and the Distribution of Earnings // Bell Journ. Econ. 1982. Vol. 13, P. 311-323.
120. Ross S. The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal's Problem // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1973. Vol. 63. P. 134-139. 121 Rubinstein A. Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model // Econometrica. 1982. Vol. 50. P. 97-109.
122. Sah R., Stiglitz J. Human Fallibility and Economic Organization // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1985. Vol. 75. P. 292-297.
123. Sappington D., Stiglitz J. Information and Regulation // Public Regulation: New Perspectives on Institutions and Policies / Ed. by E. Bailey. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1987.
124. Scharfstein D. The Disciplinary Role of Takeovers. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1985. (Mimeo).
125. Scharfstein D. Product Market Competition and Managerial Slack. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1985. (Mimeo).
126. Schein E. Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture // Sloan Management Rev. 1984. Vol. 25. P. 3-16.
127. Scherer F. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance. 2nd ed. Chicago : Rand-McNally, 1980 (русский перевод: Шерер Ф. М., Росс Д. Структура отраслевых рынков. М. : Инфра-М, 1997. - Прим. ред.).
128. Shaplro С., Stiglitz J. Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1984. Vol. 74. P. 433-444.
129. Shavell S. Risk Sharing and Incentives in the Principal and Agent Relationship // Bell Journ. Econ. 1979. Vol. 10. P. 55-73.
130. Shepard A. Licensing to Enhance Demand for New Technologies. Yale Univ., 1986. (Mimeo).
131. Shleifer A. A Theory of Yardstick Competition // Rand Journ. Econ. 1985. Vol. 16. P. 319-327.
132. Shleifer A., Summers L. Hostile Takeovers and Breaches of Trust. Harvard Univ., 1987. (Mimeo).
133. Shleifer A., Vishny К Greenmail, White Knights, and Shareholders8 Interest. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1984. (Mimeo).
134. Shleifer A., Vishny R. Large Shareholders and Corporate Control // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1986. Vol. 94. P. 461-488. 135. Simon Я. Models of Man. New York : Wiley, 1957.
136. Simon H. Administrative Behavior. 3rd ed. London : Macrnillan, 1976. 137 Stigler G. The Organization of Industry. Homewood, 111. : Irwin, 1968.
138. Stiglitz J. Incentives, Risk and Information: Notes Towards a Theory of Hierarchy // Bell Journ. Econ. 1975. Vol. 6. P. 552-579.
139. Telser L. A Theory of Self-Enforcing Agreements // Journ. Business. 1980. Vol. 53. P. 27-44.
140. Tirole J. Procurement and Renegotiation // Journ. Polit. Econ. 1986. Vol. 94. P. 235-259.
141. Tirole J. Hierarchies and Bureaucracies // Journ. Law, Econ. a. Organization. J986, Vol. 2. P. 181-214.
142. Viner J. Cost Curves and Supply Curves // Ztschr. Nationalokon. 1932. Bd. 3. S. 23-46 (русский перевод: Вайнер Дж. Кривые затрат и кривые предложения // Теория фирмы. СПб.: Экономическая школа, 1995. (Вехи экономической мысли; Вып. 2.) - Прим. ред.).
143. Williamson О. The Economics of Defense Contracting: Incentives and Performance // Issues in Defense Economics / Ed. by R. McKean. New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1967.
144. Williamson O. Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications. New York : Free Press, 1975.
145. Williamson O. Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopoly - In General and With Respect to CATV // Bell Journ. Econ. 1976. Vol. 7. P. 73-107.
146. Williamson O. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. New York : Free Press, 1985 (русский перевод: Уильямсон О. Экономические институты капитализма. СПб. : Лениздат, 1996. - Прим. ред.).
147. Williamson O., Wachter M., Harris J. Understanding the Employment Relation: The Analysis of Idiosyncratic Exchange // Bell Journ. Econ. 1975. Vol. 6. P. 250-280.
148. Wilson R. The Structure of Incentives for Decentralization under Uncertainty // La Decision / Ed. by M. Guilbaud. Paris : CNRS, 1968.
149. Winter S. Satisficing, Selection and the Innovating Remnant // Quart. Journ. Econ. 1971. Vol. 85. P. 237-261.
150. Wolf son M. Empirical Evidence of Incentive Problems and their Mitigation in Oil and Tax Shelter Programs // Principals and Agents: The Structure of Business / Ed. by J. Pratt, R. Zeckhauser. Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 1985.

