Этот раздел сайта посвящен одной из фундаментальных экономических дисциплин - "Экономика промышленности" (Industrial organization) . Здесь Вы сможете найти различную информацию об этом предмете и его истории, найти полезные учебно-методические материалы, ссылки на интернет-ресурсы и многое другое.

Введение в IO

1. Areeda P. Antitrust Analysis. 2nd ed. Boston : Little, Brown, 1974.
2. Areeda P., Turner D. Antitrust Law. Boston : Little, Brown, 1976.
3. Arrow K., Hahn F. General Competitive Analysis. San Francisco : Holden Day, 1970.
4. Auerbach A. The Theory of Excess Burden and Optimal Taxation // Handbook of Public Economics / Ed. by A. Auerbach, M. Feldstein. New York : Elsevier, 1986. Vol. 1.
5. Blair R., Kaserman D. Antitrust Economics. Homewood, 111. : Irwin, 1985.
6. Boiteux M. Le "Revenu Distribuable" et les Pertes Economiques // Econometrica. 1951. Vol. 19. P. 291-309.
7. Bresnahan T. Competition and Collusion in the American Automobile Industry : The 1955 Price War // Journ. Industr. Econ. 1987. Vol. 35. P. 457-482.
8. Bresnahan T. Empirical Studies of Industries with Market Power // Handbook of Industrial Orgtanization/ Ed. by R. Schmalensee. R. Willing. Amsterdam : North-Holland.
9. Carlton D. The Theory and the Facts of How Markets Clear : Is Industrial Organization Valuable for Understanding Macroeconomics? // Ibid.
10. Chiappori P. A. Distribution of Income and the "Law of Demand" // Econometrica. 1985. Vol. 53. P. 109-127.
11. Debreu G. The Coefficient of Resource Allocation // Ibid. 1951. Vol. 19. P. 273-292.
12. Debreu G. The Theory of Value. New York : Wiley, 1959.
13. Debreu G. Excess Demand Functions // Journ. Math. Econ. 1974. Vol. 1. P. 15-21.
14. Diamond P., McFadden D. Some Uses of the Expenditure Function in Public Finance // Journ. Publ. Econ. 1974. Vol. 3. P. 3-21.
15. Dixit A. Optimization in Economic Theory. Oxford Univ. Press, 1976.
16. Dixit A., Norman V. Theory of International Trade. Welwyn : Nisbet, 1980.
17. Dupuit J. De la Mesure de i'Utilite des Travaux Publics // Readings in Welfare Economics / Ed. by K. Arrow, T. Scitovsky. London : Alien a. Unwin, 1969 (русский перевод: Дюпюи Ж. О мере полезности гражданских сооружений // Теория потребительского поведения и спроса. СПб., 1993. (Вехи экономической мысли; Вып. 1). - Прим. ред.).
18. Hall R. The Relationship between Price and Marginal Cost in U. S. Industry // Working Paper E-86-24. Hoover Inst. Stanford Univ., 1986.
19. Harberger A. Taxation, Resource Allocation and Welfare // The Role of Direct and Indirect Taxes in the Federal Reserve System. Princeton Univ. Press for NBER a. Brookings Inst., 1964.
20. Hart O. Imperfect Competition in General Equilibrium : An Overview of Recent Work // PVontiers of Economics / Ed. by K.Arrow, S.Honkapohja, Oxford : Blackwell, 1985.
21. Hausman J. Exact Consumer's Surplus and Deadweight-Loss // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1981. Vol. 71. P. 662-676.
22. Helpman E., Krugman P. Market Structure and Foreign Trade. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1985.
23. Hicks J. The Valuation of Social Income // Economica. N. S. 1940. Vol. 7. P. 105-129.
24. Hicks J. The Rehabilitation of Consumer's Surplus // Rev. Econ. Stud. 1941. Vol. 9. P. 108-116 (русский перевод: Хикс Дж. Реабилитация потребительского излишка // Теория потребительского поведения и спроса. СПб., 1993. (Вехи экономической мысли; Вып. 1). - Прим. ред.).
25. Hicks J. Value and Capital. 2nd ed. Oxford Univ. Press, 1946 (русский перевод: Хикс Дж. Стоимость и капитал. М., 1993. - Прим. ред.).
26. Hildenbrand W. On the Law of Demand //Econometrica. 1983. Vol. 51. P. 997-1019.
27. Hopenhayn H. Competitive Stochastic Model of Entry and Exit to an Industry. Univ. of Minnesota, 1986. (Mimeo).
28. Hotelling H. The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Tarification and of Railway and Utility Raises // Econometrica. 1938. Vol. 6. P. 242-269.
29. Joskow P. Firm Decision-Making Process and Oligopoly Theory // Amer. Econ. Rev. Papers a. Proceedings. 1975. Vol. 65. P. 270-279.
30. Joskow P. Vertical Integration and Long Term Contracts : The Case of Coal-Burning Electric Generating Plants // Journ. Law, Econ. a. Organization. 1985. Vol. 1. P. 33-80.
31. Jovanovic B. Selection and the Evolution of Industry // Econometrica. 1982. Vol. 50. P. 649-670.
32. KaldorN. Welfare Propositions in Economics // Econ. Journ. 1939. Vol. 49. P. 549-552.
33. Kamien M., Schwartz N. Dynamic Optimization. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1981.
34. Lippman C., Rummelt R. Uncertain Instability : An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition // Bell Journ. Econ. 1982. Vol. 13. P. 418-438.
35. Lucas R. On the Size Distribution of Business Firms // Ibid. 1978. Vol. 9. P. 508-523.
36. Mantel R. Homothetic Preferences and Community Excess Demand Functions // Jo-urn. Econ. Theory. 1976. Vol. 12. P. 197-201.
37. Marshall A. Principle of Economics. London : Macmillan, 1920 (русский перевод: Маршалл А. Принципы экономической науки. М., 1993. Т. 3. - Прим. ред.).
38. Mas-Colell A. The Theory of General Economic Equilibrium : A Differentiable Approach. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985.
39. Mohring H. Alternative Welfare Gain and Loss Measures // Western Econ. Journ. 1971. Vol. 9. P. 349-368.
40. Musgrave R. The Theory of Public Finance. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959.
41. Plott C. Industrial Organization Theory and Experimental Economics // Journ. Econ. Lit. 1982. Vol. 20. P. 1485-1527.
42. Porter M. Competitive Strategy. New York : Free Press, 1980.
43. Porter R. A Study of Cartel Stability : The Joint Economic Committee : 1880-1886 // Bell Journ. Econ. 1983. Vol. 14. P. 301-314.
44. Posner R., Easterbrook F. Antitrust Cases, Economic Notes and Other Materials. 2nd ed. St. Paul : West, 1981.
45. Robinson J. The Economics of Imperfect Competition. London : Macmillan, 1933 (русский перевод: Робинсон Дж. Экономическая теория несовершенной конкуренции. М., 1986. - Прим. ред.).
46. Samuelson P. Foundation of Economic Analysis. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press, 1947.
47. Scherer F. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance. 2nd ed. Chicago : Rand-McNally, 1980 (русский перевод: Шерер Ф. М., Росс Д. Структура отраслевых рынков. М. : Инфра-М, 1997, - Прим. ред.].
48. Schmalensee R. Inter-Industry Studies of Structure and Performance // Handbook of Industrial Organization / Ed. by R. Schmalensee, R.Willig. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1986.
49. Sonnenschein H. Do Walras' Identity and Homogeneity Characterize the Class of Community Excess Demand Functions? // Journ. Econ. Theory, 1973. Vol. 6. P. 345-354.
50. Varian H. Microeconomic Analysis. New York : Norton, 1978 (русский перевод: Вэ-риан X. Р. Микроэкономика. М., 1997. - Прим. ред.).
51. Vives X. Small Income Effects : A Marshallian Theory of Consumer Surplus and Downward Sloping Demand // Rev. Econ. Stud. 1987. Vol. 54. P. 87-103.
52. Willig R. Consumer's Surplus without Apology // Amer. Econ. Rev. 1976. Vol. 66. P. 589-597.

